Tagged: writing

Just Another Girl (a short story/excerpt)

Just Another Girl: An Excerpt, written by S. A. Healey
The last time we spoke—or rather, when I jabbed at my keyboard with my heart in my throat, as he went from annoyed to ambivalent to appeasing in the blink of a cursor—that’s when I knew it was nothing. It, meaning us. It, meaning me.

I wept about it, still, when I was alone and that great swell would hit—the pain buoyant despite its weight, though it tried like hell to sink. Oh how it tried. And humiliation loomed like a scud hurling stones, each squall a reminder I was just another girl—a filament—a spec in the wind.

He’d broken something inside of me, yet he remained unscathed—content in the procurement of pretty distractions. His eyes roved. His hands roamed. He kept his pulse wet in borderline jailbait. He never stopped pursuing. Never stopped moving.

Yet I was deeply rooted to the love I felt…and something else.


I wanted nothing more than to mute him with all the music and cloak him in all the static, to lay upon his empty words and sleep until I vanished. But I didn’t. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.

So I breathed. I ate. I lived.

But I was not alive.*

*The above excerpt comes from a story I’m working on for National Novel Writing Month. Best of luck to all those who are taking part. Keep writing and may the words flow freely. 🙂

Copyright © S. A. Healey

Why? (a poem)

Why?: A Poem, written by S. A. Healey
To dig deep.
To win and to lose.
To search for outlets.
To bleed raw.
To dance with my demons.
To face the trauma.
To explore what it means to experience life.
To agonize.
To intellectualize.
To explode into the fragments I hide.
To salt my wounds.
To taste the tears.
To fade my scars.
To feel everything as powerfully as I can.
To believe in my worth.
To forgive myself for weakness and misplaced trust.
To release the guilt that was never mine to carry.
To live with passion and unwavering faith.
To express with honesty, always…no matter how joyous or sad or ridiculous or maddening.
To recognize that the truth is often convoluted.
To demand more ingenuity.
To begin each day knowing there’s a chance to make it better.
To embrace all the moments, big and small.
To understand that no story is ever completely told.
To reunite with my first love every time I hold a pen.
This is why…I write.

Copyright © S. A. Healey

Seductive Quill (a poem)

Seductive Quill, a poem written by S. A. Healey
She writes
In succumb
To the thrum
Of a sinister
Distorted base
Thoughts swelling
In midnight blue
Limbo states of want
Fingers twitching
With molten maledictions
Ten interminable storms
In elemental digression
Hurling metaphors
Against the clogs
Of a caged mind
Cracking the code
Wetting the plume
Drowning her
In colloquy
Its delicious brutality
A kiss
That was years
In the making
A most exquisite
Brand of torture
Born from the emergence
Of her truest self
In the push
Behind the quill

Copyright © S. A. Healey