Tagged: inspiration

A New Year for Keeping Promises

A New Year for Keeping Promises, written by S. A. Healey
We’ve all got history.

Some we honor with nostalgic fondness. Some we barely remember. Some we only fess up to after liberal helpings of liquid encouragement plunge us into bouts of facepalm retrospect, leaving us with that one gnawing question…

What the eff was I thinking?

And then, of course, some history…

We wish like hell we could forget.

But each experience teaches us something fundamentally important, no matter how far or well we’ve traveled within the circle of life.

Even as I nudge my way through the upper echelon of middle age, life continues to teach me, sometimes in jarring ways, that it is full of change. And, often…

Of endings.

Yet, I also take comfort in having learned long ago that some things are forever, like the certainty that I will always love my family, my children, and my soulmate.

And that I will always hold precious…

My dreams.

After all, passions provide purpose, and they are omnipresent…

In all of us.

Every January, we tend to embark on quests for self-betterment, reuniting our dreams with the due diligence that abandoned them sometime around mid-February the previous year.

We ache to be reborn. We pitch Stuart Smalley-esque affirmations to our expectant reflections. We make promises. And then, gradually…

We break them.


Because the vows we make to ourselves are the hardest to keep.

I can personally vouch for this.

Anyone who has followed this blog for any length of time could probably guess that my dreams heavily revolve around writing, books, writing, romance, writing, and…

Did I mention writing?

So call me Captain Obvious, but I love to write! LOVE. IT. Always have, always will.

However, when I bid adieu to 2016 with champagne flute in-hand, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the writerly promises I’d made to myself that went unfulfilled—namely, the stories in my head that were supposed to end up in print, but didn’t.

Sure, I could blame everything from chronic PMS to those cat-versus-cucumber YouTube compilations that are oh-so-addictive, but the truth?

I allowed my aspirations to fall out of focus.

If you’re a word nerd like me, you know that life as a writer can be incredibly isolating. Keeping the dream alive requires persistence and sacrifice, which can pose a challenge for those of us who suffer the guilt of said sacrifice, conditioning us to then give precedence to everything else.

We assign our dreams “hobby” or “back burner” status, a confusing contradiction since we don’t actually think of them in these terms.

But sometimes, that’s all it takes to bring our active pursuits to a grinding halt. We may even try convincing ourselves that none of it really matters, especially when there are so many other things that require our time and attention.

But deep down, we know better.

My love affair with the written word began as an adolescent. I discovered the freedom and catharsis of gliding ink across paper, an exercise inspired by one of my idols at the time, author Judy Blume.

Back then, I was struggling to find myself and where I might fit in the world—a literal work in progress. But despite not yet knowing who or where I wanted to be, as long as I had words, I was moving.

And that was good enough for me.

Whenever I reminisce on that time, I not only fall in love with writing all over again, but I realize…

I am still a work in progress.

So this year, whether I finish writing one book, six, or even zilch, the part of me that thrives on stringing words and chasing stories will always be there, even when life throws curveballs that try to tell me otherwise.

I don’t know about you, but I feel a responsibility to keep those promises I left hanging in 2016.

So, with that, I raise my pen…

And feel a novel coming on. 😉

Copyright © S. A. Healey

Why? (a poem)

Why?: A Poem, written by S. A. Healey
To dig deep.
To win and to lose.
To search for outlets.
To bleed raw.
To dance with my demons.
To face the trauma.
To explore what it means to experience life.
To agonize.
To intellectualize.
To explode into the fragments I hide.
To salt my wounds.
To taste the tears.
To fade my scars.
To feel everything as powerfully as I can.
To believe in my worth.
To forgive myself for weakness and misplaced trust.
To release the guilt that was never mine to carry.
To live with passion and unwavering faith.
To express with honesty, always…no matter how joyous or sad or ridiculous or maddening.
To recognize that the truth is often convoluted.
To demand more ingenuity.
To begin each day knowing there’s a chance to make it better.
To embrace all the moments, big and small.
To understand that no story is ever completely told.
To reunite with my first love every time I hold a pen.
This is why…I write.

Copyright © S. A. Healey

See. Hear. Feel. (a poem)

See. Hear. Feel. A poem written by S. A. Healey and her daughter, Elizabeth
I see

I hear

I feel

Am I the only one who can?

Why do you rush when there’s nothing but time?

Why don’t you dance when the music comes on?

Is it because people are watching?

Show them how amazing you are!

Why wear beige and seep into walls?

Why not wear red — be a standout instead?

Be proud of who you are!

Don’t just walk

Look around

Catch the brilliance in the ground

Do you know what I mean?

Silver flecks in the pavement shine like diamonds when the sun hits them just right

There is so much beauty in ordinary things

Do you see it?

I’d rather look ahead than down at my phone

Look at me

What do you see?

Aren’t I spectacular?

Look at you

You’re terrific too

Don’t you see it?

Do you hear the ocean when it speaks to you?

It’s talking in waves

Do you listen?

“Shhhh,” it whispers

I know what it means

Do you?

I’ll tell you a secret

We make too much noise

We love to hear ourselves talk

Don’t we?

Our voices are shrill

We want to be heard

But do we hear?

We should listen more

The ocean is smart

Why else would it be so big?

When I swim I am drenched with hugs

That’s because the Earth is special and so is God

And He loves me

God made the ocean and that’s why it holds me

It holds you too

But do you feel it?

Do you taste the salty kisses?

That’s how the ocean says hello

Do you say good morning to your family?

Or do you grunt instead?

Do you tell them you love them?

If you don’t, you should

People are grumpy a lot it seems

Maybe it’s because they’re tired all the time

People need to rest more

And take vacations

I love Disney World

You can get your picture taken with all the princesses

I like to pretend I’m a princess

Elsa from Frozen is my favorite

When I feel sad I say to myself, “I am a princess”

Or I pretend I’m Bethany Hamilton, my hero

And that makes everything better

When you feel sad, you should try it

And music

Never forget the music

Listen to your favorite song on repeat until you drive your parents crazy

And dance until your feet hurt

But the most important thing…



October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. This poem was inspired by and written with the assistance of my daughter, Elizabeth, who happens to have an extra chromosome. Her family and friends celebrate her beautiful accomplishments and zest for life every single day.