Drink It All In

Hi everyone!

Well, after pulling out my hair, crying in my coffee, and whining to just about anyone within earshot over what I feared would become an inescapable foray into that sticky vortex otherwise known as The E-book Formatting Disaster Zone, I am soooo happy to say that my debut novel, Empty Me Out (The Liquid Series, #1), is officially LIVE on both Amazon and Smashwords, with other book retailers soon-to-follow.

It’s such a surreal feeling, having finally published after spending so much time in contemplation. You wanna know the truth? I would never have garnered the courage to take that leap if not for the dear readers who’ve encouraged me to just…go for it.

So…thank you, thank you, thank you…from the bottom of my heart.
If you’ve never given my stories a go, and you happen to enjoy love-fueled, angst-ridden rides through an emotional Tilt-A-Whirl City, then Empty Me Out just might fit the bill. πŸ™‚

You may access the book at the following links…



As you can probably imagine, word-of-mouth is crucial to an author’s success. If you happen to read and enjoy this book, please consider leaving a review at Amazon, Smashwords, and/or Goodreads. It would be more than appreciated.

Another HUGE thank you for your continued support. I can’t even begin to express just how much it means to me.

Happy reading. πŸ™‚

~ Sue



Wife. Mom. Coffee enthusiast. Author of twisty romance novels, including the Amazon bestseller, Empty Me Out.

No Responses

  1. Congratulations!! And well done!

  2. That’s so awesome! Congratulations:)

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