Seductive Quill (a poem)

Seductive Quill, a poem written by S. A. Healey
She writes
In succumb
To the thrum
Of a sinister
Distorted base
Thoughts swelling
In midnight blue
Limbo states of want
Fingers twitching
With molten maledictions
Ten interminable storms
In elemental digression
Hurling metaphors
Against the clogs
Of a caged mind
Cracking the code
Wetting the plume
Drowning her
In colloquy
Its delicious brutality
A kiss
That was years
In the making
A most exquisite
Brand of torture
Born from the emergence
Of her truest self
In the push
Behind the quill

Copyright © S. A. Healey



Wife. Mom. Coffee enthusiast. Author of twisty romance novels, including the Amazon bestseller, Empty Me Out.

No Responses

  1. This is magnificent. Such deft use of words.

  2. Delicious word play! to merry musings 🙂 Brad

  3. Fantastic! I was holding my breath as I went along..devouring every word!

  4. Leslie Meeks says:

    Amazing words Sue…

  5. Ms Healey, you are a master at word craft and a sensual soul with so much beauty to share. The power of your word choices, and the way you paint them together into a potent masterpiece…it’s really remarkable. Thank you.

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